TYPES OF TEXTS - Legally certified translations | Business translations | Other forms of documents


Legally certified translations

Birth certificates, paternity tests, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, school-leaving qualifications, school reports, diplomas, certificates, excerpts from the commercial register and land register, wills, death certificates, proof of citizenship, evidence of employment or permits, personal identity cards and travel documents, evidence for the courts or authorities etc.

Business translations

Contracts, operating instructions, general business terms & conditions, technical handbooks, tenders, expert reports, company reports, technical documentation, price lists, management reports, balance sheets, annual reports, tender documents, insurance policies, company presentations, commercial register excerpts, reports etc.

Other forms of documents

Advertising texts, brochures, folders, websites, keywords, AdWords texts, menus, product descriptions, newspaper articles, medical findings, user manuals, package inserts, clinical studies, patent specifications, research documents, packaging material, property descriptions, exposés, sales documents, purchase agreements, rental agreements, diploma theses, Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s theses, love letters, fables, short stories, novels, poems, announcements, mailings, flyers, posters, etc.

